Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy explains how CoFlowx collects and handles your personal information, and applies to your use of the Website, the Platform and the Services. CoFlowx has created this Privacy Policy so you can understand how your personal information and data is collected, held and processed by

CoFlowx.CoFlowx may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. The most current version will be posted on the Website. If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, or with the handling of your personal information, please contact CoFlowx’s Privacy Officer at

1.                 Definitions

In this Privacy Policy:

Account means an account created by or on behalf of a Business or a Freelancer for the purpose of using the Platform and the Services.

Administrator means any person who has log in credentials to a Business’s Account to manage that account.

Business means any authorised User of the Platform (other than an Administrator) that uses the Platform to seek, obtain and pay for services from Freelancers.

CoFlowx, we, us or our means CoFlowx Pty Ltd (ABN 33 669 268 133).

Freelancer means any authorised User of the Platform that uses the Platform to quote for, provide and receive payment for the provision of services to Businesses.

Platform means the website, mobile website, mobile application (app), any associated or inter-Platform communications (e.g. emails, internal messages, etc.) and any software relating to the foregoing, and any hypertext links linking to external sites, from which the Services are provided by CoFlowx.

Services means the services provided by CoFlowx, specifically providing a digital platform for the purpose of facilitating introductions, engagements and interactions between Agencies and Freelancers.

User means a Business, an Administrator or a Freelancer and any person to whom a Business, an Administrator or a Freelancer provides access to the Platform for any reason.

User Data means any content or data that a User or a Visitor provides to CoFlowx when using the Platform or the Website.Visitor means any person who visits the Website.

Website means the website available at

You or your means a User or a Visitor.

2.                 What personal information do we collect and how do we collect it?

CoFlowx collects information relating to you and your use of the Website, the Platform and the Services from a variety of sources. Some of this information is collected directly from you and some of this information is collected from your interaction with the Website, the Platform, the Services or other Users. How and what information CoFlowx collects about you will depend on the way that you use the Website, the Platform and the Services, for example, whether you are a Business, a Freelancer, an Administrator or a Visitor.

Information we generally collect

• Contact information: When you provide CoFlowx with your contact information, whether through use of the Platform or the Services, creation of an Account, a form on the Website, or an interaction with CoFlowx’s sales or support team, CoFlowx collects your contact information. This information may include, for example, your name and email address.

• Device and browser data: CoFlowx collects data from the device you use to access the Website, the Platform or the Services, such as your IP address, operating system, browser details and time of visit. This information may also tell CoFlowx your location.

• Log data: CoFlowx keeps log files that record data each time a device accesses its servers. The log files contain data about the nature of each access, including the originating IP address. CoFlowx may combine this automatically collected log information with other information CoFlowx collects about you. CoFlowx does this to maintain an audit trail of activity, to improve the Platform or the Services, to improve its marketing activities, for system analytics, or to monitor or improve functionality. 

• Referral data: If as a Visitor you navigate to the Website from an external source (such as a link on another website or via an email), CoFlowx records information about the source that referred you to CoFlowx.

• Other data you submit: CoFlowx may collect your personal information or data if you submit it to CoFlowx in other contexts. For example, CoFlowx may collect personal information at points throughout the Platform or the Services or within the Website that state personal information is being collected. If you contact CoFlowx at it will also collect any information that you provide to CoFlowx voluntarily, such as your operating system version, and other requested information in order for CoFlowx to respond to your request.

• Third parties: CoFlowx may collect your personal information or data from third parties if you give permission to those third parties to share your personal information with CoFlowx or where you have made that information publicly available online.

• Mobile devices: If you connect to the Platform or the Services using a service provider that uniquely identifies your mobile device, CoFlowx may receive this identification information to provide the Platform or the Services to you.

Information specific to Administrators

CoFlowx may collect the following information about Administrators.

• Registration details: When you register an Account or another Administrator creates an account for you, CoFlowx collects your name, company name, email address, password and other information.

• Single sign-ons: If you choose to register or login using a third party account (such as Google or your company’s SSO provider), the authentication of your login details are handled by that third party and CoFlowx only collects the information you expressly agree to share with CoFlowx at the time you give permission to link your Account with the third party account. By using a Google Single Sign-On account (or other supported SSO), you are allowing CoFlowx to access your Google (or other supported SSO) account information.

• Billing details: If you use a credit card for billing, CoFlowx’s credit card processor may collect information such as the cardholder’s name, billing address, email address, credit card number, expiry date and credit card security code.

• Account settings: You may be able to set or update various preferences and personal details on your Account settings page.

Information specific to users of third-party integration or service

This section applies to any Business that elects to use a third party integration or service with the Platform or the Services (for example, Xero).

• Responsibility for third parties: CoFlowx will not be responsible for any act or omission of any third party service provider whose integration or service a Business elects to use with the Platform or the Services, including such third party’s use of a Business’s User Data. CoFlowx does not warrant or support any such third party service. You should contact the relevant third party for any issues arising from your use of such services.

• Processing of User Data: When a Business uses a third party with the Platform or the Services:

  - any User Data within CoFlowx’s control will be processed according to the terms of the agreement between the Business and CoFlowx and this Privacy Policy, and                   

- any User Data within the third party’s control will be processed according to the terms of the agreement(s) between the Business and such third party.

• Rights to personal information: If a Business or any of its Administrators wish to exercise their rights with respect to personal information or any other User Data being processed by a third party, the Business must make the request with the relevant third party directly. If any of the preceding parties wish to exercise their rights with respect to any personal information being processed by CoFlowx, refer to How to access your personal information (clause 9 below).

3.                 How do we hold the information we collect?

Security of your personal information

The security of your personal information is important to CoFlowx. All your data is private and confidential and CoFlowx takes reasonable steps to ensure that your personal information is handled securely and in accordance with this Privacy Policy. CoFlowx follows generally accepted security standards, to protect the personal information submitted to it, both during transmission and once it is received.

oes its best to protect your personal information, it cannot guarantee that your personal information is absolutely secure in all situations.
If you have any concerns about the security of the Platform, contact CoFlowx at

If you suspect there has been any unauthorised access or misuse of your personal information, immediately contact CoFlowx’s Privacy Officer at

If you have any concerns about the security of the Platform, contact CoFlowx at

Where your personal information is located

The web application for the Platform is hosted by Amazon Web Services in Australia and in the United States, so if you are a Business, an Administrator or a Freelancer your personal information will generally be processed and hosted in Australia and in the United States.

The Website is hosted by Webflow in the United States, so if you are a Visitor your personal information will generally be processed and hosted in the United States. However, Webflow may host, transfer and process some of your personal information in another country.

4.                 How do we use the information we collect?

How we use your personal information

CoFlowx uses your personal information for a variety of purposes. How and what information CoFlowx collects about you will depend on the way that you use the Website, the Platform and the Services, for example, whether you are a Business, a Freelancer, an Administrator or a Visitor. In each case, the information CoFlowx collects and processes is reasonably necessary for its business, including providing you with the Platform and the Services.

Agencies, Freelancers & Administrators

When you use the Platform and the Services as a Business, Freelancer or Administrator, CoFlowx may use your personal information to:

• Create an Account: CoFlowx needs to collect and use your personal information to allow you to create an Account and log in to that Account.

• Provide you with the Platform and the Services: This includes providing you with access to and use of the Platform and the Services and customer support, which may require CoFlowx to access your personal information so that it can assist you.

• Manage the Platform and the Services: CoFlowx uses your personal information so it can provide the Platform and the Services and improve the Platform and the Services. Some of these purposes include:

- monitoring, maintaining and improving the Platform and the Services;

- creating new features or functionality;

- enforcing CoFlowx’s terms and policies when it is made aware of potential breaches;  

- preventing potentially illegal, undesirable or abusive activities;

- investigating complaints about you or made by you;

- making telephone calls to you, or sending you SMS messages from time to time, as part of secondary fraud protection; or

- responding to legal requests such as subpoenas, warrants or other mandatory information requests.

• Contact you about the Platform, the Services or your Account: At times CoFlowx may need to contact you via email, mail or telephone to tell you about matters, such as changes to the Platform, the Services, or CoFlowx’s terms or policies.

• Marketing purposes: CoFlowx may also send you news and information about the Platform and the Services that you either request from CoFlowx, or CoFlowx believes may interest you. In most cases, CoFlowx will contact you via email.

• Respond to legal requests and prevent harm: If CoFlowx receives a legal request or is informed of a situation that may cause harm, or potential harm, to someone, it may need to inspect your personal information or data to respond appropriately to that request or threat.    


When you use the Website as a Visitor, CoFlowx may use your personal information to:

• Contact you for marketing purposes: CoFlowx may send you news and information about the Platform and the Services that you either request from it, or CoFlowx believes may interest you (unless prevented by law). In most cases, CoFlowx will contact you via email.

• Manage the Website: CoFlowx uses your personal information so it can provide and improve the Website. Some of these purposes include:

- personalising or customising your experience when you use the Website, including presenting the Website in the best format for you or a device you use to access the Website;

- creating new features or functionality;

- monitoring, maintaining and improving the Website;

- preventing potentially illegal, undesirable or abusive activities; or

- responding to legal requests such as subpoenas, warrants or other mandatory information requests.

• Profiling for marketing purposes: As part of its marketing efforts, CoFlowx may combine information about you from third party sources with information it holds about you to create a user profile, which will help CoFlowx to make its sales and marketing efforts more relevant to you and to personalise and improve your experience.   

5.                 Who has access to your personal information?General


CoFlowx will share your personal information with third parties only in the ways that are described in this Privacy Policy. To provide you with the Website, the Platform and the Services CoFlowx will often need to disclose your personal information to its staff or the service providers it uses to operate its business. Examples of CoFlowx’s service providers include hosting services, email service providers, system monitoring services and website analytics. These companies are only authorised to use your personal information as necessary for CoFlowx to provide the Platform and the Services to you and/or the Customer.

In most cases, the information that CoFlowx discloses to its staff or service providers will be directly necessary to provide the Platform and the Services to you. However, there may be occasions where CoFlowx needs to disclose your personal information to its staff, service providers, professional advisors or other third parties, including to:

• Provide the Platform and the Services: In providing the Platform and the Services, CoFlowx may need to disclose your personal information to its employees, contractors or service providers. CoFlowx’s agreements with third parties include obligations to protect the security and confidentiality of your personal information. These disclosures may be related to activities such as processing payments and mail-outs, storing and managing documents, research, providing professional advice, facilitating creation of accounts, sending you service emails, or providing technical support to you.

• Prevent illegality or enforce our terms and policies: If you engage in or threaten any unlawful activity, CoFlowx may reasonably believe that it is necessary to disclose your personal information to the police, a relevant authority or enforcement body, or your internet service provider, employer, supervisor or network administrator.

• Keep other entities associated with us informed: In some cases, CoFlowx may need to disclose your personal information to its agents, business affiliates, joint venture entities, partners, investors or any applicable subsidiaries or holding companies. The need to disclose your personal information to these entities may arise from a legal obligation CoFlowx owes that entity, or to assist CoFlowx’s or their legitimate business interests.

• Perform actions you request or consent to: You may specifically authorise CoFlowx to disclose your personal information to a third party. For example, to integrate a third-party service.

• Comply with legal requests: In some situations, CoFlowx may be compelled to disclose your personal information in response to lawful requests by public authorities, including to meet law enforcement requirements. CoFlowx may disclose your personal information to third parties such as law enforcement officials or to comply with court orders, such as subpoenas or other legal processes.

• Merge or sell our business:  CoFlowx may share some or all of your personal information in connection with or during negotiation of any merger, financing, acquisition or dissolution transaction or proceeding involving the sale, transfer, divestiture, or disclosure of all or a portion of CoFlowx’s business or assets. In the event of an insolvency, bankruptcy, or receivership, personal information may also be transferred as a business asset. If another company acquires CoFlowx’s company, business, or assets, that company will possess the personal information collected by CoFlowx and will assume and be subject to all the rights and obligations regarding your personal information as described in this Privacy Policy. If CoFlowx is involved in a merger, acquisition, or sale of all or a portion of its assets, you will be notified via email and/or a prominent notice on the Website, of any change in ownership, uses of your personal information, and choices you may have regarding your personal information.   


When you use the Platform and the Services as an Administrator, your personal information may be disclosed to other Administrators within your company or organisation.

6.                 Cookies

CoFlowx collects usage data about you whenever you interact with the Website, the Platform or the Services. This may include which web pages you visit, what you click on, when you performed those actions, and other activities. 

CoFlowx uses third party tracking services that employ cookies and page tags (also known as web beacons) to collect aggregated and anonymous data about Visitors to the Website. This data includes usage details and user statistics.

You can disable cookies through your internet browser but the Website and the Platform may not work as intended for you if you do so.

7.                 Links

The Platform and the Website may contain links to websites operated by third parties. Those links are provided for convenience and may not remain current or be maintained. Unless expressly stated otherwise, CoFlowx is not responsible for the privacy practices of, or any content on, those linked websites, and has no control over or rights in those linked websites. The privacy policies that apply to those other websites may differ substantially from this Privacy Policy, so CoFlowx encourages you to read them before using those websites.

8.                 Retention of personal information

CoFlowx only retains personal information for as long as required by law and needed for its business functions and activities. It is then securely destroyed and disposed of.

9.                 How to access your personal information

You have a right to ask for access to, and update personal information CoFlowx holds about you. If you want to access your personal information or update it, or you think that any personal information CoFlowx holds about you is inaccurate, please contact CoFlowx in writing at CoFlowx may ask for identification before giving you access to or updating the information.

10.             Complaints & enquiries

If you have any questions about privacy-related issues or wish to complain about a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles or the handling of your personal information by CoFlowx, you may lodge your complaint in writing to CoFlowx’s Privacy Officer at

CoFlowx will promptly respond to your request.

If you are dissatisfied with CoFlowx’s response, you may refer the matter to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner:

T:  1300 363 992
P:  GPO Box 5218 
     Sydney NSW 2001


Effective: 9th October 2023

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