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Say goodbye to freelancer chaos. With CoFlowx, you can easily onboard freelancers, handle invoices and automate project budgets.

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Get rid of costly manual processes

As a creative agency owner, you know freelancers are the heartbeat of your business. But let's face it, working with them can be a real headache. Tedious manual processes force you to navigate multiple platforms, costing you valuable time and money.

With CoFlowx you can say goodbye to complicated systems made for mass market. CoFlowx is tailor-made for the creative industry, offering you a seamless solution.

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Onboard in minutes with all of your talent pool in one place.

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Manage multiple bookings, check day rates, view freelancer invoices, and communicate in one place.

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Easily track and approve freelancer invoices against budgets set, with approved invoices sent to your Xero account.

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Track all of your projects in one place, to easily understanding, forecasted and actual profit amounts.

One place for your talent pool

Building your talent pool is a breeze - invite freelancers with a simple click and have all their details right at your fingertips. Managing freelancers has never been so easy!

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Easily add freelancers to projects

Seamlessly assign freelancers to your projects, assigning them their own briefs and budgets—all managed conveniently in a single, centralised space.

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Beautifully automated budgets

CoFlowx takes care of all the number crunching, saving you the hassle! Plus, our seamless integration with Xero ensures that when a freelancer uploads an invoice, it magically appears in your Xero account as a bill - effortless budgeting made possible.

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A birds eye view

A user-friendly, interactive dashboard keeping you in the loop. Get instant alerts for anything requiring attention, even project profit warnings, ensuring you stay ahead of the game.

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CoFlowx makes it easy to work with freelancers

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CoFlowx simplifies the process of overseeing freelance work, allowing you to efficiently track progress, communicate, and ensure project deadlines are met.

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CoFlowx seamlessly integrates freelancers into your existing workflows and systems, ensuring smooth collaboration and data sharing.

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CoFlowx streamlines the onboarding process for freelancers, making it quick and easy to bring new team members up to speed and start contributing.

Empower your business to go faster

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